Both alcohol and drug addiction are serious illnesses and there are people who do not see it as such. It can lead to major health problems and sometimes death. It sometimes takes a major event to occur in a person’s life to lead to addiction recovery.the general consensus is that a person needs to want to change before they can succeed, but most times it is easier if there is emotional support available to assist them.
Most addictions are usually a compulsive dependence on something, irrespective of what it is. It could be sex, drugs, good or alcohol.
To decide whether you are addicted or not, there are a few simple questions you should think about. Do you have the need to use drugs or alcohol frequently? Do you hide this from the people around you? Do you lie to the people around you about how often you indulge? Are you more often involved with the use of the item than before? When you are using the item, does it make you feel like a different person? Are you able to interact with others on a more confident level when you have drunk alcohol or used drugs? These are but a few of the questions that would go through your mind if you feel that you are possibly an addict.
There are numerous ways to find the path to recovery. Some drug users and alcoholics will stay away from the items, but will refrain from doing the work needed to enter recovery. These people understand that to use once again will surely return them straight to that dark hole which is connected with addiction. They are normally very strong characters and are able to prevent themselves from using again, simply by their strength. They always have the desire to take drugs or consume alcohol, and therefore often have feelings of anger and disillusionment because they have to stay away from it.
Then you find alcoholics and drug addicted persons who are in recovery as well as abstinent. They know that should they not sustain abstinence from all these temptations, they can only but throw away the quality of life that they have achieved in being teetotal and off drugs. They despised being addicted to something and are extremely appreciative of the life which they have found after being given a second chance.
Many users who refrain from use and who are in recovery won’t go back to drugs or alcohol again. They have come to use the external resources that are available to them. They may sometimes find persons who have also experienced what they are going through and seek help from them. They will also seek experienced professionals or counselors to assist them with their problem.
Your own desire to recover will be the first step to your personal addiction recovery. This will probably be an unbelievably difficult road to travel as there are always so many lures and temptations around you. However, overcoming addiction is worth it.
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